Wednesday, December 12, 2012

"you got hooked on herion because you couldn't cope with the cards you had been dealt, and you didn't have the patience to wait for the next."

In just about every story,book, movie, or song, about being hooked on drugs there's a reason that the person begins taking drugs, bever a good reason, but some excuse as to why they needed to turn to drugs to escape from reality. It's rather pathetic, almost, here's this man coming up with excuses for this girl that he thinks he's in love. When in reality no on can make excuses for her, no one can make her want to get better. The addict has to want it for themselves. They have to believe that they're worth recovery. Unfortunately, i think people fail to see this when they try to force people into rehab.

I'm going to make a prediction. Mostly going from background knowledge and from what I've read in this book.  My guess is the author, Tom, is eventually going to get pushed to the limit and tell the girl that she either goes to rehab or a) he dumps her or b) he tells her parents. Either way i think that the girl is going to reject both options and keep living her life hooked on herion or she'll die. It's sad to think about but unfortunately i think that's the outcome of most herion addicts. Given that this is based a real man I hope that my predictions are wrong. That the girl does believe in his love and faith and her and she goes and get's help.

Stuant63. "Fear of the Dark." Flickr. Yahoo!, 11 Feb. 2008. Web. 12 Dec. 2012.

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