Monday, January 7, 2013

Final Post.

   Throughout this semester I've grown. Grown as a writer, reader, and a person. At first I thought the class was going to be boring. It would just be us recycling information to produce boring stories about our lives and things going on around us. Fortunately I was wrong.
   One of our first assignments was to write a one-sentence story. Something that I  had never done before. It was actually rather challenging.  We had to learn to carefully place words so the sentence would just continuously flow into a story.  Although it may have been difficult I feel like now I could write a one sentence story with ease and probably better than the first time I did it. This assignment helped me grow as a writer.

 Our second assignment was to read The Color of Water. At first I didn't like the book. I saw it as just another assignment. I would scan the pages just enough to know what was going on. It wasn't until close to the end of the book that I realized that the book was actually pretty good and there was a lesson to take away from the book.  By the time I finished the book I found myself realizing that the lesson was about race and racial discrimination, sort of. I realized that this man was often ridiculed because he had a white mother. people were mean but he didn't let that stop him from following his dreams. He had rough patches but in the end he achieved those dreams. I think this book encourages readers to follow their dreams.

  One of the best assignments was the news article type assignment. It wasn't necessarily because I enjoyed writing about the topic that I chose. It was mostly because the format was fun to write in. It was neat and organized. I'd only used pages a few times so by using it more it allowed me to become more experienced with the application thus, it'll be a useful tool in the future.

 Our last assignment was to read a Non-fiction book and blog about it. It was a little difficult. Not because I can't read or blog. But because choosing a non-fiction book that is good and in your lexile level is one of the hardest things to do. Eventually, after searching through several pages on amazon books i finally settled on a book. Hooked on a junkie: a handbook for lovers and brave parents. It was about a guy that was hooked on herion. Sounds like a good book, right? WRONG. It was easily one of the worst books I have ever tried to read. I tried to bring myself to struggle through the pages but it was like pulling teeth. I eventually gave up and just started to scan the pages. I think that the book had the potential to be good but a herion addict in love with another herion addict is just a recipe for jumbled thoughts thrown on a page. It was pretty confusing to read and it didn't make much sense at all. The blogging part of the assignment was incredibly easy. I'm a natural born blogger. Unfortunately, I had no idea what to actually blog about. I pulled some direct quotes but then it sort of just became weird ramblings that kind of related to the book. If I had to do this assignment over again I would be more cautious on what book I read. I would actually read the sample pages before deciding on that book. Although the book was confusing I did learn a few life lessons from the book. The most important being not to get addicted to Herion and don't fall in love with a herion addict.

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