Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Free Write- The most important thing in my life right now...

I hate to say that the most important thing in my life is a material thing but at this point it is. I think too often times, we measure our life in possessions and property, and people when really we should measure our life with something of a greater value: love, spirt, things like that.  However, I'm a selfish soon to be eighteen year old. Thus, it is something materialistic. However, it's not something like a car, money, my cell phone, clothes, shoes, or house. It's my record collection including my vintage record player that was handed down to me by my 100-year old great grandmother.  My collection was small. around 3 or 4 records, at first but as summer went on my collection slowly began to grow.

Buying records became sort of a tradition that took place every time i had a bad day or when i struggled with recovery. It became a tradition that every couple of weeks Kaine and I would go around town shopping for records.  By the end of summer my collection has grown to about 120 records including two vintage record players. The collection is still growing.

Now whenever i have a bad day instead of wallowing in self-pity i get out one of my favorite records and just relax and listen. If i didn't have my records i think my bad days would be much more destructive.

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